Infinite Campus: Check Out The Mobile App!

Screen Shot 2013-08-28 at 2.34.22 PMIf you have a child in BVSD [Boulder Valley School District] then you probably know about Infinite Campus. I will say that I never used it until my son went into middle school. Now it is clear that I NEED access to Infinite Campus. Like it sounds, Infinite Campus, allows you to be a helicopter parent to your children. Otherwise known as supporting them through their many classes and seemingly endless assignments. I guess I sound a little critical. I guess I am a little critical. My 11 year old has just jumped in head first into being a young adult. Ahhh, Middle School!

Anyhow, if you want to be able to support, track, encourage your child, then getting on Infinite Campus is important. It’s the main way teachers communicate with parents. You can log on to Infinite Campus via you computer or now via a new App. Here’s how:

Infinite Campus on your Computer:

  1. Go to the BVSD website.
  2. Click on the Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal button. It’s the one on the bottom left of the screen shot below. Or the middle left of your page when you get on the website.
  3. Log in. You will need to know your access info. If you don’t have that access code yet, you need to talk with your child’s school. If you have kids at more than one school you can still just talk with one school as it is for the whole family.

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Infinite Campus on your Smart Phone: Woohoo!!!

  1. Follow ALL steps above to log on, on your computer the first time.
  2. Once you are able to log on and create a Username and Password, then you can do the fun part–get the App.
  3. Go to your mobile device and search for “Infinite Campus”. Download the FREE App. App Store or Google Play work.
  4. Put in your District ID: BVSDCO & your Username & Password. Now you are in!

Last night at my son’s middle school’s back to school event I was able to see exactly which classes he had, his schedule on a day-to-day basis, his teacher’s names and email addresses. It was handy. As I watched so many parents walking around with scraps of paper showing where their child’s classes, I was excited to have found this mobile app!

Are there mobile apps you would recommend for parents?

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